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Happy National Hunting & Fishing Day

Hannah barron outdoors

Happy National Hunting & Fishing Day! 🖤

Huge thanks to @jeffbarron70 for keeping me in the woods for as far back as I can remember.  My biggest core memories growing up were all in the outdoors, shooting .22s, cleaning squirrels, carrying scraps of deer meat to the bags as he boned them out, careful to teach me every step, puddle jumping from creek to creek with Zebco 33s, and running trot lines on our muddy rivers. I was one of few blessed with a father that showed me everything I know about hunting and fishing. Now as the next generation, it’s our turn to pass on our passions to others just like my Daddy did me.

Also, in honor of National Hunting & Fishing Day, @hukgear has special site-wide offers up to 20% off 🤗

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