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Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers, and other father figures!

Hannah barron outdoors

Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers, and other father figures!

I know I have some of the best out there and I can’t thank them enough for taking the time with me that they have.

Recently, I had the pleasure of enjoying scenes of what Father’s Day represents to me. Dad and I took two 14 years old girls noodling with us. Anna’s & Bradleigh’s dads were with them. Those dads were there to watch and be a part of their daughters catching their first catfish by hand. Their relationship reminded me a lot of my relationship with my own dad.

Daughters and sons who are fortunate enough to have this type of relationship with their dads are blessed beyond verbal expression. I am one of those daughters. Those who are blessed with father figures who spend quality time with them are fortunate, as well. Those mentors have the ability to positively influence, help shape, and possibly change lives for the young people they take the time to reach out to and teach.

Today, we acknowledge our thankfulness for all of those special people who fill those roles in our lives. Special thanks to my dad. Love You, Daddy! ‘Preciate You! @jeffbarron70

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