What you need to know to climb the highest volcanoes in Mexico.

The highest volcanoes in Mexico are mountains that have taught me many things, both physically, mentally, and spiritually. In this article, I am going to talk about its most relevant characteristics and what it takes to be able to reach the peaks of the highest volcanoes in Mexico, with data that I personally would have loved to know when I started mountaineering in 2016.

Before starting I want to mention that they are NOT mountains to go without previous experience or certified guides who know everything about the mountain and first aid. In the end, I leave some contacts of guides with whom you can go in case you are interested in doing it. It is also important to remember that before the mountain we must remain humble, always obeying the leader and keeping calm in any situation, these ancient beings unite us beyond borders, languages, ethnicities, nationalities, cultures, or social classes, as well that you have to respect it and remember that we are all the same up there.

Be patient, the summits are not always reached the first time but the mountain does not go anywhere. Remember: step by step you reach the top and the important thing is to persevere until you get the dream.

Characteristics of the highest volcanoes in Mexico.

Pico de Orizaba

It is the highest volcano in Mexico, it is located on the border of the state of Puebla and Veracruz and measures 5,636 meters above sea level. (meters above sea level). Its ancestral name means Citlaltépetl or “Cerro de la Estrella” from the Nahuatl citable ('star') and tepētl ('mountain or mount'), it is known that way because its snowy summit shines all day and is visible from hundreds of kilometers away, or was it visible several years ago? because now, thanks to the pollution of the city, it is very difficult to see the volcanoes from afar.

This volcano has a refuge called “Piedra Grande” right at the foot of the mountain, at 4,250 meters above sea level.


It is the third-highest volcano in Mexico, the second highest is Popocatépetl, which reaches 5,500 meters above sea level. but this is closed due to volcanic activity and its ascent is prohibited. The Iztaccíhuatl is located between the territorial limits of the states of Mexico and Puebla, it reaches an altitude of 5,284 meters above sea level. and her name means the "White Woman" or "Sleeping Woman" that comes from a princess of Aztec mythology who became a Goddess since her profile shape resembles that of a woman lying down. It has several peaks, being "El Pecho" the highest.

It has several shelters, the best known are Altzomoni, which is very close to the park entrance; Mcallister (Ayoloco route), and the Refugio de Los 100, which is already at 4,800 meters above sea level.

Both volcanoes are considered sacred and have a beautiful legend that has passed through generations for years, in another article I will tell the story. In the same way, the two volcanoes have different routes and the busiest are the "North Face" or "Normal Route" of the two volcanoes.

Physical preparation and season to go.

Acclimatization and training

These mountains require strong prior preparation. Up there, the strongest is not the one with the best physical condition or the one with the largest and strongest muscles, but the one that has a greater adaptation to change, in this case, it is the adaptation to change in height. That is why those who conquer the highest mountains in the world can spend even months in this process of acclimatization on the mountain.

The body reacts in a slower way, for example, when you are thirsty or hungry, the brain takes longer to send the signal to the body to warn it that it needs water and energy, that is why the most important thing at altitude is to stay hydrated (Although we think we are not thirsty), because the heart works better when the body is well hydrated, the brain needs oxygen to function and receives it through the blood.

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