The walleye coming.

Finally !!!!, winter is coming to an end, little by little the days are getting longer and thanks to this the waters of our reservoirs begin to gain some temperature. The fishing season begins !!!

But make no mistake, spring has not yet arrived and the waters are still very cold, therefore the fish will continue to show very weak signs of activity. The more adventurous have continued to visit their favorite fishing spots, but many days they will have done nothing but wet their fishing lures.

It may still be too early to go tempting the Black Bass, but there is a secret that many fishermen keep silent. March is the month of the Walleye.

In the prelude to spring, it is usually the month in which the walleye begin to spawn, in the north it is easy to delay to April depending on the water temperature. At this time, the walleye rises from the great depths to locate in more accessible and more locatable layers, the nests are usually formed in areas close to the shore between 2 and 3 meters deep. It is the moment in which we can easily locate the walleye and perhaps the only time of year really accessible for the shore fisherman. 

We will look for beach areas that progressively gain depth, we can mount any type of vinyl, Creatures, fry, Grubs, but there is a classic that always usually stands out above the rest a double blank tail, with a simple assembly on the Jig type jig head, we will get many bites.

If we like faster fishing and above all, we want to cover more ground to locate them, we will mount a Deep minow, a linear collection with pulls will be very effective, we will be able to cover several meters offshore in a short time and if we insist, we will surely locate the walleye. Let's not forget that fishing for walleye is complicated and although fishing for walleye in spring is a bit easier, it is never easy to locate them. 

If we are thinking about using crankbaits, we are not going wrong at all, if we want to be selective and look for the larger specimens the crankbaits with bibs that go down to 3 meters.

They will be ideal for you, perhaps we will fail bites of small specimens, but we have said that we want to be selective, walleye over 3 kilos will attack these lures more aggressively either by feeding or because we will see more bites, defending the territory. Well, like bass, walleye defend their nests. We do not consider it very ethical to cast the lure to the nest to be able to capture whoever is defending it, but in the case of walleye, it is impossible to know if we are fishing in the nest, or are being bitten by the males that are around the areas of spawn. It will be impossible for us to identify where they are located. Walleye nests are much deeper than those of Black Bass,

So now you know colleagues if you want to start the season well and your area is not abundant with pike but you know that there are zander, try it. It is very likely that you are also fond of fishing for this beautiful species. And if you were wondering how to fish zander in spring? The answer is simple, cover a lot of ground to locate them, and once locate them insist and change the lure if we do not have captures in that place again.

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