Leave no trace, leave only your footprints - 7 basic principles

We are more and more people who visit the mountains and more and more pollution and damage that we cause to nature. In this article, I am going to share the 7 basic principles so that you perform.

Here they go:

Plan your departure in advance

Camp in suitable places

Dispose of the waste correctly

Leave what you find where it is

Minimize the use and impact of campfires

Respect nature and wildlife

Be considerate of other visitors

These 7 principles are the responsibility of each one of us, without exceptions. We must remember that we are one with nature and that what is good for her is also good for us.

1. Plan your departure in advance

If you do not plan your route well, it is very likely that you will find yourself in trouble, you can get lost and become scared or afraid. Who wants to get scared and do crazy things out there?

Planning ahead involves researching everything about where you're going and packing correctly:

Know the regulations of the place

Take an emergency kit

Make a route itinerary

Try to go with a few people

Take the trash with you back

Bring a map or GPS

2. Camp in suitable places

There are areas specially designated for campers, take advantage of these areas so as not to damage others.

Walk on marked trails

Camp at least 60 meters away from rivers or lakes

Keep your camp small so as not to damage the surroundings

During the walk, always go one behind the other so as not to hurt the path

Avoid camping in places where there are hardly any traces of people

3. Dispose of the waste correctly

Always carry the garbage back with you, it costs you nothing and when you are back home, recycle what you can and throw the rest in its place.

Store your used toilet paper in a bag, don't throw it away! If you need water to wash something for or personal use, carry water from the river or lake to the camp and clean what you need there. Use biodegradable soap!

4. Minimize the use and impact of campfires

Building bonfires has always been a tradition, but sometimes it can be one of the most destructive traditions for the environment.

There are other alternatives, such as portable cooking stoves and flashlights for lighting. Also, if there is no campfire there is not much light, it will be a great opportunity to see more stars!

If bonfires are allowed, build them inside a circle of stones

Keep the fire small

Turn it off completely at the end, make sure to spread the ashes well

Do not bring your own wood, you can introduce bacteria from outside the environment and cause pests where there were none

5. Leave what you find where it is

"Take only your photos, leave only your footprints. " We must reflect our philosophy of life in nature, and if you are out there, surely it is because you like it, so let's take care of the environment. Reflect on what you are.

Remember to always collect everything at the end of your excursion and leave the place even better than you found it.

6. Respect nature and wildlife

We are intruders in the home of thousands of species of animals and sometimes we believe we are superior to them. Respect them! They are shy and if they are curious animals they will attack only if you attack first, so we better leave them alone.

Observe them from a distance, don't follow them.

Do not feed them, you can affect their health.

Save your food and garbage so that animals do not come to eat it, this is also for your safety.

If you bring a pet, make sure you have control over it.

7. Be considerate of other visitors

"Treat others as you want them to treat you", this rule also applies in the mountains.

Be polite

Take the step to those who are climbing on the path

Set up your camp away from others

Avoid loud sounds, respect the silence of nature

We are just passengers in this world, which is our home. We must take care of nature and try to give it back a little of what it gives us. Enjoy it! that the mountain always welcomes us with open arms.

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